
Young at Night 2

Young at Night 2. Zes jonge makers met een connectie met Eindhoven, zijn student aan een creatieve opleiding, vers afgestudeerd, of zijn een zogeheten "self-taught" artist. Met hun bestaande werken geven ze samen vorm aan hun eigen groepsexpositie.

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Young at night 3

Young at Night 3. Acht jonge makers met een connectie met Eindhoven, zijn student aan een creatieve opleiding, vers afgestudeerd, of zijn een zogeheten "self-taught" artist. Met hun bestaande werken geven ze samen vorm aan hun eigen groepsexpositie.



Alvin Arthur (GP)

Choreographed Reality — Play, Embodiment, Technology
Choreographed Reality — Play, Embodiment, Technology
Choreographed Reality — Play, Embodiment, Technology

Choreographed Reality

Welcome to Choreographed Reality : Play, Embodiment, Technology, a 5 weeks long program by Alvin Arthur, embodied e-learning designer and creative director, to learn, experiment with and share information regarding the phygital world we inhabit. He will be approaching specific topics within the themes of Play, Embodiment and Technology.

During those 5 weeks, there will be collaborations with creative professionals from various backgrounds as well as 3 sessions. Each session engages with a specific topic where no prior knowledge in movement or tech is required!

  • Session #1 — Kinaesthetics : Framing a language from the ground up
  • Session #2 — Workholistics : Working with a collective body in times of digital habits
  • Session #3 — Technoaesthetics : Move your way into 0s and 1s

Session #1 — Kinaesthetics : Framing a language from the ground up
Language. You won't be asked to think much about it. Thinking is probably the least important at this point. Rather we'll put our bodies, as they have always been keeping the score of our life experiences, in the conditions to frame understanding of ways it emerges.

Session #2 — Workholistics : Working with a collective body in times of digital habits
How much do you know about how your digital habits affect your daily flow? In positive, negative and all the range in between. How much does it enable you to relate with your social circle, whether it is at work, home or elsewhere? How much does it actually matter to you?

Session #3 — Technoaesthetics : Move your way into 0s and 1s
If you were told you're going to learn about programming: how overwhelmed or powerless would you feel? It's a loaded word. Instead, if you were told you're going to create the building blocks of your phygital reality, would it feel any different? Come challenge some of your technobiases.

Finale — Presentation of the all the works that happened 

Ticketing : Free. Lmited amount of spots available, present your ticket at the location

Date & Time : Thu. 09.12.2021 — 19.00-21.00 (doors open at 18.30)

Location : De Fabriek — Baarsstraat 38, 5615 RG Eindhoven.